Friday, July 18, 2014

Your plan

Your plan is bigger
It is so much greater
Than I could ever dream

What I thought was perfect
Didn't turn out to be
It wasn't your plan

What you have for me 
Will be so much more
Even better than before

May I be patient, Lord
Father, help me to see
The perfect plan you have for me

Friday, July 11, 2014

He saw us before....

There is nothing we can hide 
Nothing He doesn't know
For He tells us what He told Nathanael 
"I saw you."

He saw us before we were born
He wrote our days in His book
He whispers to us in the darkest depths
"I saw you."

He saw us and our sins
Yet He wants us anyways
Nothing we do can stop Him
He loves us and has always loved us

He knows our deepest thoughts
He saw our darkest hour
None of that matters
He still holds out His hand for us

He is still there beside us
Beckoning us to follow Him
For as He told Nathanael,
"I saw you before....."

He saw us before everything.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Why are you hiding from me

I am calling and seeking

I can hear you close by

So why are you hiding

I am ashamed of things I have done

And I don't want you to see

I don't want you to know my past

This is why I hide from you

Child, you cannot hide

I see all you have done

For I have designed your path

You need not hide from me now

How can you want me

If you know what I have done

If you know what I have been

There is no way for you to love me

Accept my Grace, child

It will overcome your past

Step into my light now

It is time to stop hiding

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He's Alive

Three days have passed

Three days he’s been dead

Two women walk to the tomb

But he’s not there

They are afraid and trembling

Then the angel appears

“do not be afraid,

Jesus is alive”

Oh how they rejoiced

They ran back to their friends

They were yelling the whole way there

“He’s alive, He’s alive”

He’s still alive today

We just have to seek him

When we find him we will know

He’s alive in us always

Jesus is alive in heaven

The Spirit lives in us

Why are we not shouting


It is Finished

It is finished

Those words were yelled out

Those words tore the veil in two

It was with those words that our Savior died

He hung on the cross

Bleeding and dying

For a world of lost sinners

It is finished

Christ was scorned and laughed at

Even by some who said they believed him

But he still prayed for our forgiveness

Even as he gave his life

Now those who believe

Can rest in faith

That we have God’s grace

Because Christ called out to our Father


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Knock

There was a knock at the door
As I was home today
Smiling I opened the door
Crying I fell to the floor

Three officers were standing there
Each one looked very grim
Asking me to gather my things
And said to come with them

My husband was injured today
But we don't know how bad
We need to get to the hospital
And we need to get there fast

The doctor's say he will be fine
He's a fighter they all say
But that feeling is one I never want to feel
The one that comes with the knock of fear.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Light in the Dark

We are to be the salt and the light
To be different from the rest
Yet still show them the way to Truth

God called us to be a City on a hill
To be a beacon to the lost
And bring them back to Him

So often we get caught up
In many earthly things
God seems to get lost in chaos

God is always there
Still watching and waiting
For the lost to come back to Him

It’s our calling to lead them
Our duty to show them the way
To be light in a dark world